
Private Training
Semi-Private Training
Small Group Classes

For more information please contact the Fitness Director Suzanne Smith at suzanne@avilabayclub.com 805-595-7600 ext. 109.

Although Pilates based work was contained mostly in the dance community for years you might want to take a closer look at how this type of exercise could help increase your fitness level. Pilates work focuses on several important factors that could only benefit any type of athlete. The focus of our Pilates program is to strengthen the core/trunk of the body as well as the muscles that support the joints.

In a typical Pilates session, the client will practice a series of exercises that will challenge the muscles in the trunk, encourage flexibility and diminish muscular imbalances. Scapular stabilization and proper body alignment is critical to performing the exercises. After beginning a Pilates based exercise regime, clients can expect to gain more control and awareness of their bodies when performing everyday life activities. Other benefits include greater use of the respiratory muscles due to the breathing work involved, as well as feelings of being centered due to the amount of concentration required.

No matter what your fitness goals are, or what sports you play, you can bet that greater core strength, flexibility, and overall control of the body will benefit you. Treat yourself to a class, or contact one of the Pilates trainers if you have any questions regarding how you might incorporate Pilates based exercises into your fitness program.