September Newsletter 2016
Women's Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo County Needs Our Help
Help stock their food pantry, it’s a little bare!
Victims of domestic violence are faced with making trade-offs with living expenses. Many WSP clients cut back on food to afford essential non-food items such as disposable diapers, toilet paper, soap and toothpaste. They are accepting nonperishable food items and food cards. Please drop off items to Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa.
Thank you for making a difference.
Please call (805) 781-6401, ext. 202 for more information.
Tennis Department
Welcome Mike Marquez our new Tennis Director!!!
Things ABC members should know about newly appointed Tennis Director Mike Marquez:
a junior player Mike trained daily with Mike and Bob Bryan (ranked #1
in the world 7 straight years) and was coached by their father Wayne.
2-Mike was ranked #33 nationally in the juniors, best win former world #1 Andy Roddick!
3-Mike played for Cal Poly and played every position f#1 to #6 over his four years.
4-Mike has been the Cal Poly Assistant Coach for the past 3 years, working with high level Division I athletes on a daily basis.
5-Over the past 6 years Mike has managed Creeky Tiki and Spencer McKenzie's restaurants in SLO.
6-Mike makes the Energizer Bunny look lethargic and his organizational skills are off the charts.
7-Mike has already spoken with Tennis Directors throughout SoCal about their programming, leagues, clinics, day and evening programs and every aspect of a great club.
8-He wants and values your input and is the most accessible and friendly person you will ever meet.
9-Mike starts officially on September 1, but he is already working to make the ABAC tennis program even better.
10-Mike obviously has an incredible tennis background but it is his personal skills and friendly nature that truly stand out. Please introduce yourself and see first hand!
11- The Avila Bay Club members are in for a great surprise as far as constant activities and his goal is to make it the number #1 club in the state of California.
He has
competed in every national tournament including National Hardcourts in
Kalamazoo, Michigan, National Clays, National Indoors, Easter Bowl, won
So cal Sectionals. Participated in Youth vs. Experience, Challenge Cup
and Zonals. The highlight that shows local talent was when Paige
Billingsley and Michael Marquez did an exhibition at the Volvo Final in
Los Angeles between Pete Sampras and Brad Gilbert. Wow!
Welcome Michael!
Fitness Department
2 Step RESET!
Sept 6th –September 23rd
Step 1: Workout
Step 2: Pick up your food for the DAY at the front desk!
bundled, fresh meals prepared by our very own Oasis Chef Brian Reigle!
We go as far as breaking out the calories and packaging them in a bundle
so you stay within your calorie allotment for the day! 1200-1500,
1500-1800, 1800-2100, and 2100-2300 calorie options! Next step is to
decide how many days you would like your meals. 3, 4 or 5 days per
Workouts are included and necessary to get you the results you want! Cardio, Strength, Core and Pilates 30 minute workouts. Choose 5 sessions every week lead by trainers, Jan Berdar, Kristin Alexander, and Danielle Lien! That is a total of 15 sessions!
Our information and kick off meeting to answer all of your questions is scheduled for Thursday, September 1st at 6:30! Invite a non-member who joins with you and receive $25.00 off your package!
Prices as low as $660 for a 3 day/week meals, 15 workout plan $780.00 for a 4day/week with workouts and as low as $900 for 5 days of meals and 15 workouts!
the math! That is a lot of groceries that you will save in addition to
private training sessions!! Before and after pictures are recommended
because look out you are not even going to recognize yourself!!
2016 ABAC Olympics was a huge success! I couldn’t be more proud of all
of our ABAC Olympians this year! A huge thank you to all of our team
captains and club Olympians - it was a blast! The whole reason we put
this event together was to challenge our members to try something new,
make new friends, and push themselves to achieve personal fitness
records they may or may not have done on their own and WOW did we have
some awesome results! I can’t wait to do it again in another four years!
Avila Bay Club Olympics Results 2016
Bench Press
Men’s Bracket
Gold: Aaron Golab 17 reps @ 125lbs
Silver: Kelsey Blunt 15 reps @ 125lbs
Bronze: Scot Morrison 12 reps @165lbs
Woman’s Bracket
Gold: Debra Jackson 15 reps
Silver: Jan Berdar 11 reps
Bronze: Malia Naman 4 reps
Longest Plank
Gold: Scotty Milstead 12:03 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Ron Eisworth: 10:00 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Suzanne Nelson: 9:30 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
15 Minute Row for greatest distance
Gold: Jeff Sutton– 3799 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Bobby Poole– 3550 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Aaron Golab– 3527 “Awesome Sauce”
45 Minute Cycle for greatest watts
Gold: Ron Eisworth– 1.87 “The Dominators”
Silver: Jan Berdar– 1.60 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Pete Peterson– 1.50 “Saturday Power Team”
5 Minutes for most total burpees
Gold: Alexandra Sutton– 72 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Jeff Sutton– 67 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Bronze: Debra Jackson 50 “Saturday Power Team”
1 Mile Run Results
Gold: Korey Kolb, 5:30.36 “The Avengers”
Silver: Steven Mendoza, 5:51.19 “Awesome Sauce”
Bronze: Ryan Voigt, 6:37 “The Dominators”
Fastest 1/4 Lap Results
Gold: Antonia DaSilva: 1:14 “The Avengers”
Silver: Kathleen Kalpakoff: 1:18 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Heidi Koch: 1:21 “The Avengers”
10 Minute Step Mill Results
Gold: Suzanne Nelson: 1280 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Jan Berdar: 1271 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Stephanie Northcoat: 927 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
5 Minute Vertical Challenge
Gold: Antonio DaSilva: 411 “The Avengers”
Silver: Ron Eisworth: 403 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Megan Burdick:394 “Awesome Sauce”
Swimming Event Results
50 Yard Free Style
Gold: Greg Boege: 29.75 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Ron Eisworth: 30.08 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Bobby Poole: 30.29 “The Dominators”
50 Yard Breast Stroke
Gold: Ron Eisworth: 44.87 “The Dominators”
Silver: Liz Mills: 45.64 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Greg Boege: 46.51 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
50 Yard Butterfly
Gold: Greg Boege: 42.85 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Stephanie Northcoat: 45.73 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Bronze: Bobby Poole: 46.66 “The Dominators”
50 Yard Back Stroke
Gold: Greg Boege: 26.72 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Ryan Voege: 43.39 “The Dominators”
Bronze: Suzanne Nelson: 52.60 “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Team Relay Results
Gold: The Dominators: 1:12.08
Silver: Massage, Sweat & Tears: 1:24.08
Bronze: Saturday Power Team: 1:37.00
Ping Pong Results:
Gold: Xi Shen “The Dominators”
Silver: Jan Secord “Awesome Sauce”
Bronze: Jeff Sutton “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Singles Tennis Results:
Men’s Bracket
Gold: Miguel Perez “Awesome Sauce”
Silver: Scott Milstead “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Bronze: Bobby Poole “The Dominators”
Woman’s Bracket
Gold: Helen Sipsas “The Avengers”
Silver: Mackenzie Poole “Sub”
Bronze: Michelle Stoll “The Dominators”
Doubles Tennis
Gold: Amy Kueffler & Carol Armstrong “Massage, Sweat & Tears”
Silver: Helen Sipsas & Jud Clark “The Avengers”
Bronze: Miguel Perez & Travis Hawley “Awesome Sauce”
Congratulations to our Member of the Month
James Scoolis
Congratulations to James Scoolis as the Member of the Month! James has been a member of the club for 16 years, so in his words, “I must really like it!” He was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, then lived in L.A., and Santa Barbara before settling here. His career brought him here, and after 30 years in education he retired 2 years ago and loves being retired. Now he can focus on his two loves: music and cooking! He has perfected hundreds of recipes. Being Greek, he loves cooking his mom and grandmother’s recipes but he doesn’t stop there. He has a killer halibut recipe and no one does BBQ chicken like him.
James’ two boys grew up at the club but are now busy with life. His oldest graduated from San Diego State and is now working in his field, and his youngest is a senior at Berkeley. James works out at the club M-F using mostly the weight room and cardio room and occasionally the hot tub. Along with his daily workout routine he practices guitar everyday and cooks!
MUSIC is the most important thing in James’ life. He is in the band Burning James & The Funky Flames, which plays funk and soul music. James is the leader of the band, lead singer, and plays guitar. He is also in Burning, Bad, and Cool which plays gospel, sou,l and blues. Or as James calls it, “Southern fried dipped in sweet thick harmony.” It is a vocal trio that sounds amazing.
James says anyone can play the guitar if they want to. They just really have to want to and put the time into it. He has been playing guitar since he was fourteen and he said he wasn’t good at all and couldn’t sing, but with practice and the desire you can aspire to be great! James we are so happy to have you as a member at ABAC and love when your band plays at the club. Good luck with both of your bands!
Congratulations to our Employee of the Month
Aaron Golab
Congratulations to Aaron as our Employee of the Month! “I have worked at the club now for the past two years. I've loved every single day that I've spent there learning and growing from not only fellow staff but the members as well. The club is like a family to me. I love coming in in my off time to work out, run Bob Jones Trail, go for a swim or play some tennis. –Thanks, Aaron”
Thank you Aaron! We feel very grateful to have you as part of our ABAC family!
Membership Department
$100 Referral Credit in September!
Yes, it is back! The BIG ONE! Refer your friends to the club and when they join, you will receive $100 on your account, or you may choose $5 on your account each month as long as both you and your friend are active members of the club. This means that not only will you have some extra $$$ to spend, but your friend will reap the rewards of good health!
For more information please contact one of our helpful membership staff, Amy, Travis or Kelsey 805-595-7600 Ext: 105.
Aquatics Department
Greetings from the Aquatics Department!Thank you to all the members working with the lifeguards and swim instructors to have a pleasant and safe summer season. The lifeguards will continue to be on duty in the afternoons Saturdays and Sundays until Labor Day. That will be the last day. We really appreciate cooperation with our seasonal staff and are happy to have had another safe summer with very few incidents. Swim lessons are offered all year long for all ages. Please email [email protected] for availability.
Your Tennis Ticket. . .
Exciting, new, and innovative are just some of the words that describe the new tennis programs that are currently being organized for you! Be on the lookout for lots of fun this fall!
Avila Bay Family Tournament. September 17th and 18th
New. Join with any family member to play your event. Guaranteed fun! Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, brother-in-law….get the picture?
Drop in clinic every Friday 9:00am -10:00am. All levels welcome. Come for the clinic, stay after and play. Great way to start off your tennis weekend. $10.00 fee.
New Fall Schedule for all Junior Clinics
Avila Bay Club Junior Tournament Group. This is a collegiate type workout that meets every Wednesday from 4:00-6:00pm. Regular attendance is required. Invitation only group, approval required. Contact Hugh at (805) 471-5035.
Advanced Junior Clinic. Held on Monday and Friday from 4:00-5:30pm. This is an ongoing clinic taught by Hugh. Contact Hugh at (805) 471-5035.
Intermediate Junior Clinic. Begins Tuesday September 6th. This clinic is for Ages 8+, and is based on ability. Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-5:30pm. Clinic taught by Cami Hubbs.
Beginning Junior Clinic. Begins Tuesday September 6th. This clinic is for ages 6-12 and is a wonderful place for future tennis players to develop basic strokes and love for the game. Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm. Clinic taught by Cami Hubbs.
Tiny Tots. Please contact Cami Hubbs at (402) 659-3881 for inquiries about the Tiny Tots clinics.
Notes from the Front Desk
Thank you guys for a wonderful summer! I can’t believe how fast it went by this year. Please remember you can only use up to four guest passes at one time and the same guest can only come two times per calendar month. If you plan to bring a minor as a guest they must have a current guest wavier on file completed by their parent. You cannot fill it out for them. Also, please join us for our last summer Happy Hour September 2nd with “The Kicks”. As always if you have any questions please contact Travis at [email protected]Special Events at the club

Please contact Travis Hawley at 805-595-7600 ext 113 or [email protected]
September Wine Club
Chamisal VineyardsJoin us for a wonderful evening tasting great wines and sharing good times! This month we are meeting on September, 23 from 6-7:30 Wine tasting is $20 per person and each wine will be paired with delicious Hors de’ Oeuvres prepared by the wonderful Oasis Grille! Free child care by reservation. Non-members welcome! Sign-ups are located in the lobby.
Questions or reservations?
Contact Travis Hawley at 805-595-7600 ext 113 or [email protected] winery TBA
Spa Department

Delight yourself with one of the many therapeutic treatments available at your club.
Relax your mind, body and spirit at The Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa. We offer an extensive menu of services in our beautiful environment with the soothing touch of spa professionals. Enjoy a relaxing swim and jacuzzi before and after your treatment.
The kids are back to school and it’s a perfect time to give yourself a gift of "Relaxation". You deserve it!
Our experienced staff of Massage Therapists, Esthetician and Hair Stylist are multi-talented in many aspects and we take great pride in their talents. Professional skills and understanding of the needs of each individual are important to ensure every experience is customized.
During the month of SEPTEMBER please enjoy a lavender foot scrub included with a 60 or 90 minute Massage Treatment.
Please schedule your appointment at the friendly front desk.
Kids’ Club
Congratulations to our newest Kid of the Month
Juliet Petit
Congratulations to Miss Juliet Petit!!! This little cutie has been chosen as Kid of the Month! She loves to do “dot da dot” paint and has some pretty incredible dance moves. Be sure to congratulate her next time you see her and maybe even ask her to teach you a dance move or two. We love seeing her smiling face whenever she comes in!
As always, if you have comments, questions, or concerns please send an email to [email protected]. Thank you so much and I hope you all have a great school year!
Kids’ Club
We are getting back into the swing of things! September is here and the excitement of school fills the air. We now go back to our normal hours in Kids’ Club, which are: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm and 3:30pm to 6:30pm (6:00pm on Fridays only). The weekends will remain the same. This means that we will be offering the unlimited pricing again. You pay $125 for the month and you can come as many times as you want, within the guidelines. If you are using Kids’ Club more than 20 hours in a month, then this is a great option for you. You can always ask about your usage and we can see if it is the right choice for you and your family.At the end of summer, we have said goodbye to our friend Danielle Strauss and will be welcoming some new faces so get ready to introduce yourself.

Movie Night In The Park

Questions? 8/23/2016 or 805-595-7600 ext 113