News August 2016

Members of the Month

Congratulations to Pat Murphy and Cyndi Silva as our new Members of the Month. Pat and Cyndi have been members of ABAC since 2012 after relocating to Avila Beach in 2011. They met in Minnesota in 1984 and began a friendship that evolved into a long term relationship and eventually marriage that has, over the past 32 years, joyfully integrated 2 daughters and 2 grandsons. Pat is originally from Racine, WI and has always been a natural mechanic and appreciator of all things progressive and innovative. He works as a Lead Building Service Engineer at Poly Canyon on Campus at Cal Poly. Pat is continually pursuing educational opportunities to expand his knowledge within his trade, especially regarding the advancements in green buildings. He enrolls in courses related to his field at Cuesta College and Cal Poly when available. Cyndi is originally from Santa Barbara, CA and is grateful to finally be back in her native vibe on the West Coast and near the ocean. Her Great Grandparents owned a cottage in Avila Beach where her family would vacation regularly. Cyndi is naturally intuitive and loves all things creative and integrative. She is a graphic artist, web designer, and the founder an online global network for professional intuitive. Cyndi has an international client base whom she serves as a Genetic Intuitive and Human Design Analyst. Locally she combines her 14 years as an experienced registered yoga instructor with the medicinal and meditative art form known as Gongfu Tea. She offers yoga and tea classes at Wilwand Tea Company in Atascadero and at East Wellbeing and Tea in SLO. Together, Cyndi and Pat enjoy a simple yet active lifestyle that is supported by all the wonderful benefits the Central Coast has to offer. They have made a vow to themselves, each other and the marriage to remain as active and fit as possible throughout life. The club is a mainstay in helping them keep this commitment and enjoying the playful partnership they share. You will find them most evenings at the club in the cardio and weight room, attending a yoga class, or outdoors enjoying the pool, spa, and sauna.
Employee of the Month

Congratulations go out to Maria Santos as our latest Employee of the Month. Maria has lived on the Central Coast for about four years. She and her husband are originally from Southern California. They had vacationed here for many years then after retirement decided to give living here a try. So, they rented a place in Shell Beach for six months and decided that was the place to be. They went home, put their house on the market, and it sold within a few days. They moved to Shell Beach permanently and haven’t looked back. They have two daughters that have both made their homes in Seattle. Maria loves to go up to Seattle to visit the girls! Most of the rest of their extended family still reside in Los Angeles so they make frequent trips to visit. Maria is quite a photographer! She enjoys taking pictures of nature, and what better place to do that then right here on the Central Coast. One of her loves is cooking; she loves to invent new recipes. She also loves to hike. Maria hikes mountains, hills, trails; you name it she hikes it! Maria loves staying active and fit. She loves the Central Coast, the pristine beauty, and the open space. Maria works in the Tennis Tower at ABAC, and since she loves tennis, it is a perfect fit. She enjoys working at the Club because it has given her the opportunity to meet a lot of genuinely nice people and she gets to play tennis! What could be better? We feel very lucky to have Maria as part of our team. See you in the Tennis Tower!
Welcome Diane!

Notes from the Front Desk
Thank you to those being respectful to our front desk staff while we moved to no free guest pass usage during June, July, and August. Many members have commented on the huge difference it has made at the club this summer, and are grateful for the change. We realize that some still disagree and don’t care as much about the guest impact, so we continue to think of ways to compromise for next year. Also if you plan to bring a guest please make sure to have them complete a guest wavier at the front desk and if you are bringing a child under 18, the form must be completed by THEIR PARENT. Also, as a kind reminder, please be courteous of your voice level while walking past the tennis courts and make sure to dry off and have your shirt and shoes on in the lobby! As always thank you to all our wonderful members for making this the best summer yet! Questions, comments? Please contact Travis Hawley at [email protected] or 805-595-7600 ext 113Note from Member
Dear fellow members of Avila Bay Club. I have written this note to share some recent experiences while using our club. I have observed that some members, upon leaving the pool areas and locker rooms, have left a big mess behind them. Abandoned towels on lounges and in locker rooms, floating devices on the pool deck, and more, show lack of consideration for others arriving to enjoy those spaces. Clearly, there are some members who believe it is up to ABC staff to pick up after them. I, for one, believe we members can do better. It doesn't take much effort to toss towels in the laundry baskets and return pool toys to the closets. ABC staff does their best to keep things neat and orderly, but cannot be expected to follow every member around to pick up after them. I ask that everyone please set an example for others to follow by picking up after yourselves, so we can all enjoy the club facilities without having to see or dodge things left behind. Remember, we are not "guests" of the club, we are "members" of the club - meaning we all have a vested responsibility to help ensure a positive experience for all. Thank you for hearing me out, and for being part of the solution.Regards...Rick CohenNutrition Department…
We’ve all been were in total control and wham! A craving, then a cupcake, and in one unconscious moment you blow it! You’ve committed to get back to eating clean and sticking to your Metabolic Typing Diet plan and out of nowhere that moment of weakness creeps in. You indulge and one thing leads to another. Believe me, I've done this myself too many times, and in the past one tiny slip up would create a downward spiral of poor choices. The mentality of "I blew it, I might as well keep on eating" would lead me to eat all kinds of things that my body hated, and the health sabotage would begin. Of course this leads to immense guilt as well as the awful puffiness, bloating, digestive distress, brain fog and fatigue that inevitably follows a binge! Rather than allowing things to spiral and wreak havoc on your health and your waistline – try these simple tips I’ve listed below to get back on track. But first, the most important step is do NOT beat yourself up!! Instead, stop and focus on your breath for 10 minutes. Become present. Forgive yourself, let it go, and make the decision right now to move on and be done with it. One slip up has not ruined everything, and there are plenty of things you can do right now to limit any health disruptions.
- Review your Metabolic Typing Food Map and create a plan, re-focus and re-commit!
- You’ve likely gone overboard on the sugar or carbs, simply cut these out for a day or two or until any further sugar cravings have disappeared. Fill up on protein, fat and vegetables instead.
- Double your water intake for the next 24 hours.
- Go for a long walk. This will help get your blood sugar back down, and will also reduce the stress hormone cortisol.
- Take CandiBactin-BR® 3 times a day. This intestinal support has a harmonizing blend of herbs that promote healthy immune, detoxification and elimination function. This will help your body utilize the extra glucose. The extra glucose you’ve eaten for energy will get stored as fat. It will also help limit any negative effect on your gut bacteria.
- Take some digestive enzymes. If you have eaten gluten or casein/dairy then there are particular digestive enzymes which are targeted to break down these proteins. If you can get some of these into your system shortly after eating a trigger food, you’ll feel a lot better. SpectraZyme® Complete is an excellent broad spectrum digestive support.
- If needed, schedule a ‘tune up’ appointment with me to get clarity on your plan and review your supplements.
- Think about what triggered the slip up to start with. Was it stress? Lack of sleep? Not having eaten enough earlier in the day? Create a self-awareness of what caused you to binge or eat off track.
Looking forward to your success
Connie Rutledge CNC
[email protected]
Connie Rutledge
Please enjoy our new beautiful tennis tower remodel!
Your Summer Tennis Ticket. . . .
Drop in clinic every Friday 9:00am -10:00am.
All levels welcome.
Come for the clinic, stay after and play.
$10.00 fee.
Great way to start off your tennis weekend.Monthly instructional clinic with Korey.
Usually the fourth Sunday of the month 9:00am-10:00am.
There is an 8 person limit, sign- up sheet available in the tennis tower the week of the clinic.
Complimentary.Thursday drop in beginner’s clinic 9:30am-10:30am,
and intermediate clinic 10:30am-11:30am.
Clinics ongoing all summer.
Taught by Leah Winnery.
Price varies by number of participants.Weekly Tennis Social.
Please join us for an evening on the tennis courts to meet fellow tennis players and play mixed doubles!
Join us for happy hour on the patio until 8pm.
For members only and strictly complimentary.
From Tiny tots to Advanced Juniors there are clinics for every level…….Tiny Tots Clinics every Thursday from 1:30pm-2:00pm and 2:00pm-2:30pm. Classes taught by Cami Hubbs.
$10.00 fee.
Ongoing until August 30th.Beginning Junior Clinics every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30pm.
Great opportunity to get your kids started in a smaller setting.
Classes taught by Cami Hubbs.
$15.00 drop in.
$5.00 additional for non members.
Ongoing until August 30th.Intermediate Junior Clinics every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm.
Classes taught by Cami Hubbs.
$15.00 drop in.
$5.00 additional for non members.
Ongoing until August 30th.The Advanced Junior Clinic will be held on Mondays from 2:00pm-3:30pm.
Clinic taught by Hugh.
$20.00 drop in. $5.00 additional fee for non members.Avila Bay Club Junior Tournament Group.
Every Wednesday 2:00pm-4:00pm.
Regular attendance required.
$30.00, $5.00 additional fee for non members.
Invitation only group.
Hugh’s cell phone (805) 471-5035. Great collegiate type workout!
Fitness Department by Jan Berdar
I am impressed, in awe, and I am bursting to share with you results and the benefits that I have personally achieved in my outdoor adventures by training on our INDOOR ABAC equipment!
I say “Yes” several times a year to a variety of road and trail relay run races, tri-athlons, obstacle course racing, half and full marathons, charity distance, cycling events, and hiking mountains like Mt. Whitney or local peaks. I love the social, physical, and mental components of participating in outdoor play. I have discovered that MAJORITY of my training can be done on the equipment that I am working out on EVERY week!
Training on our cycling bikes just 2 times per week for one year helped to get me through a grueling 65 mile ride from Big Sur to Hearst Castle for the Best Buddies Challenge last September. I had only put 100 miles on my road bike prior to this ride! I rode the entire distance during the challenge WITHOUT stopping and I would never have been able to do this without having trained my legs, core and cardiovascular system on the FreeMotion® Indoor cycle! Have you taken a class yet? We offer 11 every week!
Ergonomically built to fit most riders and created to withstand heavy use, this bike is ideal for every facility. The innovative geometry of the S Series can accommodate riders from under 5’ to over 6’9" and provides a neutral fore/aft position that will quickly and easily position 90% of all users comfortably and efficiently. Designed for the most realistic ride possible, the S Series employs a Carbon Drive™ System, combining the smooth, quiet benefits of a belt drive and the high-inertia, non-slip benefits of a chain drive.
More from Fitness…
My big “YES” for 2016 was to climb Mt. Whitney. This 22 mile trek is tough considering it is the highest peak in the continental US at 14,509 feet! How to train for this type of hike can be difficult for several reasons, time was a big factor for me. After having recently gone through extensive training on the Freemotion Incline Trainer I realized I had the ability to train right here at ABAC! These incline trainers can go as high as 30% as well as a decline of -3%.
June 30th I set out for my goal of climbing to the top of Mt. Whitney and I did so in 11 hours and 18 minutes! Incline training WORKS! Watch this short video about some interesting data that research is showing as well as movement that you can perform on the incline trainer:
I would be happy to schedule a time to show you the features of our Incline Trainer or any of our equipment on both the cardio and weight room floor!
Schedule your FREE orientation by call me directly TODAY- Jan Berdar 805-260-6438
Aquatics Department…
Greetings from the Aquatics Department! We hope that all members have been enjoying the pools during these warmer months. We appreciate your continued support and adherence to the rules and policies in place here at the club. As you may have heard in local news, there was a tragic drowning in San Luis Obispo earlier this month. A three year old daughter was lost to her family and we all feel terribly for them.
The Aquatics Department felt this tragedy deeply and for the family. We have chosen to have lifeguards on duty during busy hours. Drowning is a silent killer and can happen in seconds. It takes all of us, parents and lifeguards, keeping a watchful eye on our children to make sure this doesn’t happen closer to home. So, again, thank you for working with us and supporting the club in this important way. We wish everyone a fun and safe summer at Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa.
Michal Stalnaker
Aquatics Director
Special Events at the club
Summer is here and that means it’s PARTY TIME!
The Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa is the perfect venue for any special occasion! Our mission at the Avila Bay Club & Spa is to ensure your happiness and satisfaction with the planning and implementation of your event. We tailor each and every event to result in a day (or evening) that is enjoyable and stress-free, and one that creates a beautiful lasting memory for yourself, your family, and your friends. You will find our staff to be personable and experienced. Attention to detail and superb service are our specialties. Our skilled and accomplished Oasis Grille team is always eager to please, offering the convenience of on-site catering and a wide variety of delicious menu/banquet choices. The Avila Bay Club & Spa is the ideal site for a memorable celebration!
Please contact Travis Hawley at 805-595-7600 ext 113 or [email protected]
Movie Night in the Park
Movie Night is August 20th and everyone is invited!
Family, Friend’s, Guests, Employees, EVERYONE!
Please come out and enjoy the fun evening. We will be showing “The Good Dinosaur” and providing popcorn and hot chocolate! Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, pillows, and teddy bears. The fun starts when the sun goes down ( 8:30PM ). Arrive early to get the best spot and maybe order dinner from our Oasis Grille! The movie is free for members and guests.
[email protected] or 805-595-7600 ext 113
Kids’ Club
Can you believe it’s close to the end of Summer already? Time sure is flying by!
It has been such a great time with all of our friends here in Kids’ Club.
It is time to introduce the, Kid of the Month for August.
A big congratulations to Madison Tardiff!
He is just an awesome kid. Madison is so sweet and patient with all the kids. He is a great big brother and really a joy to be around - everyone would agree. If you see him, reach down and give him a high five!!!
We will be having an End of Summer party on Sunday, August 28th from 12:00 to 1:30pm. It’s a way to get everyone together and enjoy the friendships that have blossomed this Summer. Please bring your family to join us for a great time!
Sign up at the Kids’ Club desk, front desk, or email [email protected]. There are a few reminders for parents. Please try to take a peek in the lost and found for belongings left behind. There are a lot of cool things forgotten and we want you to have them back. Also, please keep an eye on the clipboard to make sure that you are up to date with your pre-paid cards. That really helps out a lot and guarantees that you are getting the discounted rate for your visits as well. Thank you for all that you do to make Kids’ Club so amazing.
As always, please feel free to email questions, comments, or concerns to [email protected].Are you ready for a night to yourself? Here is your chance! It’s the last Summer Parent’s Night Out on Saturday, August 13 from 5:30 to 8:30pm. It is the perfect time to drop off the kiddos and do whatever you want for three hours - there is no other opportunity for you to leave them while going off-site, so take advantage! They will be playing games, eating dinner, making a craft, playing some more, and then settling down at the end with a movie. Don’t have a single worry as you leave them in good care with us and enjoy the evening. It is going to be so fun - for both parents and kids!
Sign up at the front desk, in Kid’s Club, or email [email protected].
Summer Blast 2016
What a GREAT summer we had! Thank you to all of our Summer blast kid’s for making this the best summer yet and for the great memories. Also huge thank you to our members for all the positive feedback while we used the various areas of the club for activities.
See you all next summer!
Spa Department…
Our spa offers a variety of services designed to reduce stress, improve health, and just make you feel better.
You might be surprised at how happy and relaxed you feel after a day at our relaxing spa. We designed our spa to be a sanctuary of quiet and tranquility, away from the everyday stresses of life. Here are just some of the ways you can be pampered.
Massage Treatments: You will feel stress and tension melt away in the hands of a trained massage therapist. Sore muscles become loose and tired muscles become relaxed and circulation is improved, while overall wellness and sense of well-being is heightened. We offer Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone and Pregnancy Massages.
Facials, Waxing, Nails, and Haircuts: Visit our Salon for all your beauty and health needs. We offer Women's and Men's Haircuts, also you may add a Deep Conditioning Treatment.
Our esthetician offers a variety of facial treatments and products to meet every need. We offer acne treatments, moisturizing, hydrating, detoxifying facials, and more. Our esthetician can help you decide which facial is best for you. Waxing services are available as well.