July Newsletter 2014

2014 Friday Happy Hour
Band Schedule
May 23 - August 29 ● 6-8 p.m.
Please note – No Happy Hour July 4, Aug 8, or Aug 22
August 22 is BBQ & Bingo, tickets on sale in June
Let the party begin! Great music, featured wineries, food and beverages available for purchase. No guest fees (does NOT include use of the club by non-members). Don’t miss the first Happy Hour with the great music of Big Daddy’s Blues Band! Heck, don’t miss any of these fabulous Friday nights!
Click Here To Download A Band Schedule
Summer Camps Are Here!
Talk about BIG summer FUN! Our friendly and lively camp staff will keep your kids ACTIVE this summer. Choose from Fit-Tennis, Aqua Adventure/Activity, or SUPER CAMP. Sign up for one week or all six weeks! Six one-week sessions (Mon-Fri). Beginning June 16—ending August 1 (no camp 4th of July week). Ages 6-13. Registration forms available at the front desk, online, or contact: [email protected]; 595-7600 ext.113.Click Here For More Information.
Summer Is Here!
It is a good time for us to remind parents that they
are responsible for DIRECTLY watching their kids at all times. The
lifeguard is not a substitute for your eyes. Lifeguards are a
supplemental service we offer to your direct watch of the kids. It only
takes seconds for a child to drown. We take this very seriously, so
please help us in DIRECTLY watching your kids. Please don’t be
distracted by cell phones and conversations. No matter how good your
child is at swimming, drowning can still happen to them. If you need to
leave the pool area for any reason, your child must get out of the pool,
unless you have another parent that is designated to watch your child
instead of you.
Click Here To Read The Full Set Of Pool Rules.
May Member of the Month – Seona Lampman !
Congratulations to Seona , our May 2014 Member of the Month. Which is very fitting since she joined in May, 15 years ago.
Because she has an unusual name one of the members remembers it by using the analogy of “shows up” because she is regularly at the club. You can set your watch by it, Seona always shows up! She joined for swimming and the big draw for her at the time was free parking. Less stress before starting your workout. Since then she has enjoyed almost every aspect of the club. She is part of the Master Swim group lead by Liz, cycles at 6:30 am, has breakfast by the fireplace most mornings, and greets members and guests. Because she lives in Morro Bay she has to plan ahead. She packs her bag the night before and leaves for work as a pharmaceutical rep, from the club. She is part of the early morning hot tub “vortex” led by Dennis Jackson. It’s full of philosophy and hard to pull yourself away to get your workout in, hence the name “vortex”. Seona has been married nearly 30 years and enjoys sharing her home with her two lovely cats which they adopted six years ago. She utilizes our spa department, has participated in our Dream Jeans program, and enjoys the happy hours at the club with her husband. Seona enjoys the serenity of the gardens and the sculptures. She says it would be very difficult to leave the club because she has made so many lifetime friends here. We love your dedication and feel honored to have had you as a member these last 15 years. Here’s to the next 15! Thank you for being a part of our ABAC family!
May Employee of the Month – Leah Minnery!
Congratulations Leah! We are fortunate to have a caring tennis professional like you to teach our kids.
In Leah’s own words…
“I am so fortunate to live in this beautiful area and work at such an amazing club. I often joke with my friends that my office consists of palm trees, smiling children and adults, and of course tennis balls! I couldn't ask for a better job or working community. The adults and children that I teach make me appreciate the sport of tennis every day, and when I hear that a student who had never played tennis before now loves the sport, I couldn't be more proud.I grew up in Los Gatos, CA and learned to play tennis at the Courtside Club.
My first tennis coach was and is still is my greatest tennis mentor. He not only taught me how to play competitive tennis, he encouraged me to become a tennis pro at an early age. He always said it is the best job - and he was right.
I went to Cal Poly in the 1990's and received a B.A. degree in kinesiology.
While at Cal Poly, I played both collegiate tennis and soccer. My five years in San Luis Obispo during this time made me realize that if the stars ever so aligned, I would love to come back this wonderful community.Fortunately, when I met my future husband, Jeff Minnery, he too loved this area.
After the birth of our second beautiful daughter, Jeff was able to find a Job three buildings down from the ABAC. The club was a natural location for me to peruse my love of coaching and share my love for tennis with people of all ages. I continue to strive to be a better coach, mentor, and friend tothe people that cross my path.
I appreciate this honor.”Best,
Leah Minnery
From The Fitness Department . . .
By Jan Berdar
Meet New Employee Sara Gallon

You can also catch Sara on Thursday mornings for Cycle/Sculpt at 8:15.
Sara Gallon
Fitness News
More ways to change up your workouts and keep your body guessing!Another NEW class option is "Short Circuit". You may have missed it as it is literally short. This 25 minute format is lead by myself, Jan, every Thursday evening at 5pm. The beautiful thing about circuit is you have the opportunity to learn new moves that work the total body, work at your fitness level, and again, it's short AND sweet! Whether it is your only class of the evening or an add- on to your workout it is time well spent.
We hope to see you in one of our 50 classes per week!
Group Fitness Classes are busy and sometimes have short transitions:
-Thanks for arriving early or on time!
-Introduce yourself to the instructor if you have any injuries or if you have to leave early.
-No late entries for Cycle, Power, and Yoga classes. Other formats please slip in quietly so as not to disrupt the flow of the class.
-Please put away mats, straps, blocks, foam rollers, etc.
-Wipe sweat from mats, floors, etc.
-Cycling: If you need to move a cycling bike please tip the bike forward on to the wheels or ask an instructor for help.
Please wipe your bike down after usage.
No bike usage without an instructor present.
Thank you. We appreciate you!
From the Tennis Tower . . .
Junior Tennis Tournament –
Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa is hosting the 33rd Annual Junior Open Tournament July 11th – 13th. Juniors from the ages of 8 to 18 will be coming from all over the country to participate in this event. Lots of fun and competition, along with a pizza party on Saturday July 12th and T-shirts for all players. Matches will start at 4 p.m. on Friday. If you’re not playing, make sure to come out and watch these future champs.
Enter online at www.usta.com. Go to “TENNISLINK,” then “TOURNAMENTS,” and enter Tournament ID#: 651765314. Match times will be found at www.usta.com, “TENNISLINK,” then “TOURNAMENTS,” and enter Tournament ID#: 651765314. Entry forms are also located in the Tennis Tower. For more information, call 595-7600 ext. 106.
Download Tournament Registration Form Here
Mixed Doubles Night
Now that summer is here, the Tennis Tower offers a Mixed Doubles Tennis Night every Friday night from 5:30-7:00pm. This is free for our members and it is a great opportunity to get out to have some fun while meeting new members or just enjoying old friends! This coincides with the Happy Hour party at the club which offers different musicians every week for listening and dancing, as well as a dinner buffet. Make the Avila Bay Athletic Club your Friday party night!! Call the Tennis Tower to sign up for the Mixed Doubles and we will see you at the Club!Junior Tennis Clinics
Junior Tennis clinics will be continuing throughout the summer. New session times are as follows:
- Tykes: By Appt Only Contact Leah Minnery
- Beginning: Tues/Thur 2:30-3:30pm (Two-week Sessions, sign up in Advance. Registration forms in Tennis Tower)
- Intermediate: Tues/Thur 3:30-4:30pm (Two-week Sessions, sign up in Advance. Registration forms in Tennis Tower)
- *Junior Excellence: Mon/Wed 2:00-3:30pm (*By Approval Only, contact Mark Scribner/Hugh Bream)
- TYKES – Ages 4-6 Contact Leah Minnery
- BEGINNING – Ages 6-12 Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:30 pm
- INTERMEDIATE – Ages 8-13 Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:30 pm
Session 1: June 17, 19, 24, 26
Session 2: July 8, 10, 15, 17
Session 3: July 22, 24, 29, 31
Session 4: August 12, 14, 19, 21
**Check dates, clinics DO NOT run every week.
COST – 2 Week Sessions for Beginning & Intermediate
(Children sign up for all four days of session)
$40/member, $60/non-member
Registration forms in Tennis Tower or at Front Desk area. **PAYMENT DUE at time of registration.
Contact Tennis Tower for more information or to inquire about the Junior Excellence Program. 805-595-7600 X106
For private lessons or other junior tennis information, contact Jenny Phelps 928-533-0362, Leah Minnery 408-768-1216
From the Spa . . .

Hi. I am Nancy Tejada and I am super excited to be joining this team! I recently moved from the Central Valley where I have been a stylist for 16 years (10 of those years I owned my own salon). I’m excited to show everyone my expertise and creativity. I enjoy and specialize in hair coloring, high lighting, and haircuts. I also do special occasion styling, hair extensions, and keratin treatments. Come see me and give me the opportunity give you a fresh, new look!
From our Nutritionist
By Connie RutledgeMetabolic Typing® and You
The purpose of a Metabolic Typing® program is to balance body chemistry and maximize metabolic efficiency by properly addressing metabolic individuality. We are all unique and require different macronutrient diets! It is believed that the presence of any degenerative disease is due to the failure to do just that. Thus, one way or the other, all degenerative disease has its origin in malnutrition.
The idea of malnutrition takes on an entirely different light when viewed through the Metabolic Typing® prospective. We know that someone can eat the best organic foods and take the finest supplements, yet still gain unwanted pounds and develop or fail to reverse degenerative disease. Time and again I have seen that this can be due to the failure to meet one’s genetically-based requirements for nutritional, biochemical individuality.
What if you really could heal yourself with food? What if you knew exactly what foods would strengthen your body? Learn how to build health from the ground up, on a cellular level and do it with food. Maximize your body’s potential; lose weight, cravings, and bad habits formed by poor eating. Contact me to learn more about my 8 week Metabolic Typing® Lifestyle Program and get your comprehensive 50 page report complete with a customized food plan, menus, a customized supplement plan, lifestyle recommendations, and personalized coaching to help you rebalance, heal your body, reduce stress, and succeed!
What are you‘weighting’for? Connie Rutledge, CNC 805-440-6869 www.connierutledge.com


At the Club on July 16!
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Blood Drive- Every three seconds, someone needs blood. It could be an accident victim, a person undergoing surgery, or a child receiving cancer treatment. Your family and friends are counting on us, and we’re counting on you! Every day on the Central Coast we need at least 200 blood donors to care for those in our community who are in need. And there is only one source of blood. Volunteer blood donors. Think about it. A friend or family member, or perhaps even you will need a gift of blood. On July 16th from 10am-2pm the Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa is excited to be hosting a blood drive with the help of United Blood Services. Please come out and support this great cause, and be someone’s HERO. Sign-ups are located in the lobby or contact Travis Hawley at [email protected] or 805-595-7600 ext 113.
Aquatic News . . .
Swim Meets are here! Go Avila Bay Starfish!
The Avila Bay Starfish have been practicing very hard this year, and it is now time for them to attend swim meets! This is the fourth summer they will compete against the GnarlyGnarwhals during some fun and mellow meets. Please plan accordingly for the HOME meets since up to 5 lanes will be used. Come join in or cheer on the Starfish and Gnarwhals!
- Wed. July 9: Intrasquad HOME (3:30-6:30pm)
- Wed. July 16: Dual Meet AWAY-Cuesta (3:30-7:00pm)
- Wed. July 23: Dual Meet HOME (3:30-7:00pm)
- Sat. Aug. 2: Championships* AWAY-Cuesta (9:00am-2:00pm)
*Champs-The Avila Bay Starfish are so fortunately invited by Coach Liz of the GnarlyGnarwhals to stay after the Championships swim meet (until 2:00p.m.) for the following: time right after to jump off the high dive, then individual team awards ceremony, followed by 2 hours of free swimming and a potluck lunch!! We are very excited to bring our teams together for friendly, fun competition.
There will NOT be regular swim practice during the swim meets (7/9, 7/16, & 7/23) or on Friday 7/4. Otherwise, practice is year-round every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Due to the increase of swimmers in each group, please email [email protected] if you would like to come try it out!
Green Group=3:45-4:00 (ages 3-6)Orange Group=4:00-4:30 (ages 7-9)
Blue Group=4:30-5:30 (ages 10+)
Summer Swim Session Lessons
There are still some spots left in the remaining sessions! This is the perfect way to get your child to the next level. Only $120 for 8 semi-private lessons. Sign-up now!Session III= July 7-17
Session IV= July 21-31
Session V= Aug. 4-14
Session VI= Aug. 18-28
AM & PM times available. Sign-up at the front desk or email [email protected]
New Policy For Parties At The Club
All parties need to be scheduled ahead of time with event coordinator Travis Hawley. As we embark on another great summer, pool safety and club atmosphere are a big deal to us. If you do not reserve your space ahead of time, you may not be permitted to use the club facilities. All pool parties must have a private lifeguard and space reserved. If you have any questions or would like to plan a future event please contact Travis: [email protected] 805-595-7600 ext 113.From Kids’ Club . . .
Summer is upon us. School is out and it is time to play. During summer months, Kids’ Club stays open all day so come in and enjoy the company of all your friends. On that note, starting June 16th, the new Kids’ Club hours will be as follows:M - Th 8a - 6:30p
Fri 8a - 8p
Sat 8a - 12:30p
Sun 9a - 12:30p
Even though we are open longer hours, please remember that the kids need a break every two hours, so come grab them for a break to allow them some “fresh air”. It is a club policy that is very important as much as the policy of remaining on the premises is. Thanks so much for helping us with the care and well-being of your children.

We look forward to another great Summer. Keep an eye out for all the upcoming activities that are happening in Kids’ Club. If you aren’t already signed up to receive strictly Kids’ Club related emails, please do so at the Kids’ Club desk to stay in the loop with everything. Any questions or concerns can be sent to [email protected].
Parent Night Out
Saturday, July 12, 20145:30 - 8:30pm
This month’s Parent Night Out is going to be a great one! It will be held on July 12th from 5:30-8:30pm. We had a great time at our last luau themed night! Let our fun staff take care of dinner and entertainment. We will also have arts & crafts to do and finish up the night with a movie. Invite your friends because this event is for non-members too! Please sign up at the front desk, in Kids’Club, or email [email protected].
Movie Night In The Park!

Saturday, July 26
Starts At Dusk (approx 7:45)
Movie Night is back! Everyone is invited: Family, Friend’s, Guests, Employees, EVERYONE. Please come out and enjoy the fun evening . We will be showing “Frozen” and providing popcorn & hot chocolate! Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, pillows, and teddy bears. The fun starts when the sun goes down. Arrive early to get the best spot and maybe order dinner from our Oasis Grille! The movie is free for members and guests. Questions? [email protected] or 805-595-7600 ext 113
World Climate Change: Its Causes, Consequences, and Our Future Options
Sunday, July 133:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Join us on Sunday afternoon for an informative presentation and discussion from Sharon Rippner on today’s climate issues. Learn how we can make a conscious effort to work together in finding solutions for these problems.
RSVP encouraged, to [email protected]Child care will be available for $5 a family (RSVP required for child care).