January Newsletter 2016

Happy New Years to all of our valued members at Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa!
New Year New YOU!Let’s start this New Year off with better habits of exercise, health, and healthy eating. I know it is probably a resolution every year, but let’s make sure we follow through this year. There is no better time to better you, than right now. Make 2016 your year for complete transformation of body, mind, and health!
Member of the Month

Congratulations to Peggy Jones for being selected as our “Member of the Month”. Peggy Joined ABAC back in 1998 as soon as she moved to the area. She had been playing tennis her whole life and wanted to continue. Peggy played primarily on indoor courts and loved it. (She says there is a big difference between indoor leagues and outside leagues.) She had been the head of two leagues and always very active in shaping the leagues. Peggy was the one they always called on to welcome the new gal and get her acquainted with the league. Peggy has been married to Stephen for 44 wonderful years. They met working for the same corporation that is now known as Verizon. They have seen the world together. When I asked her if she had a favorite place her response without hesitation was New Zealand. It’s beautiful and the people are wonderful. It reminds her of how the states use to be in the 40’s and 50’s. Peggy has one daughter, two grand children and 2 great grand children with another one on the way! Peggy hits with Hilary just about every Sunday. She has been coached by a lot of coaches and one of her favorite sayings is, “Now that you can hit the ball now think it out.” Years ago she had knee pain and the doctor suggested surgery or to play with a knee brace until you can’t play anymore without pain. Years later Peggy is still going strong with just a knee brace. It was a joy interviewing Peggy! She is vibrant; she moves with such fluidity and grace and is such a positive gal. Thanks for being such a wonderful member!
Employee of the Month

Congratulations to Gary as our latest “Employee of the Month.” Gary has been an employee of ABAC since June of 2008. He wears many different hats at work but not at the same time. He teaches Kempo and Mini Muscles for kids. Gary is also one of the leaders of our Summer Blast for kids, worked in Kids’ Club, and is a cook in our Oasis Grille. When asked about his life Gary said he grew up in San Bernardino and moved to the Five Cities area when he was in the 3rd grade. He is a self- proclaimed “Nerd”. His hobbies are Martial Arts, hiking, and reading. Jurassic Park is his favorite book. He loves to play Nintendo; Mario Brothers 3 is his favorite game and he also enjoys disc golf. He has a reindeer Chihuahua named Lebowski. Gary said he has been red-headed his whole life He loves working at the club and enjoys the opportunity to work with kids.
Congratulations again!
This month at the Club…

Saturday, January 30, 2016
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Come check out our tennis, swim, and fitness programs. Sample tasty menu items from our Oasis Grille, enjoy our Spa services, and take advantage of our membership specials! Spin the Wheel of Fitness for 20-100% off registration fee.
Giveaways, Prize Drawings, Demos, and More!
A Few club reminders…
- As of January 1, 2016, a guest fee will be $20 per person. The price is the same for all ages. Please note that the 12 complimentary guest passes given to each membership cannot be used in June, July, or August.
- Use of cell phones for talking is not allowed in the workout rooms, and we ask that you not sit and text while taking up a piece of equipment that someone might be waiting to use.
- Please make sure that you stop by the front desk to check-in each and every time you use the club. It is very important to know who is here. Remember if you don’t have you scan card, we can always find you under last name or member number. If you no longer have a scan card we can definitely get you set up with a new one at the front desk, it just takes a few seconds!
- Please do not leave any belongings out in the locker rooms. Always lock up EVERYTHING even if you are just in the shower. This includes leaving belongings in the women’s changing rooms.
From the Fitness Department…
Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa Fitness and Nutrition has a lot to offer this month!Why wait?
January 7th – 6pm “Get Back on Track”
Where do I start and what is a Cleanse?
Certified Nutritionist Connie Rutledge along with Fitness Director Jan Berdar will be offering this seminar FREE of charge!
A 30 minute lecture on what happens to the body, how to prepare and what you need to begin such a program will begin our evening. Training and group fitness options will be presented as well as two 10 or 30 day, easy to follow, cleanse programs will be offered with samples to try.
Come join us in the group fitness room January 7th. Sign up today!!
Obstacle Course Training starts back up
Tuesday January 12th at 5:30pm.
Meet in the lobby and bring a flashlight. Haven't tried it yet? Please feel free to be a guest at your first session. Sign-up sheet is located across the front desk.
Pilates and Small Group Training cards are on their bi-annual special!
$195.00 for up to 2 – 10 punch cards.
Purchase by January 30th.
“Winter” Group Fitness schedule is out and classes are busy with the New Year!
Thank you for inviting and helping newcomers.
From the Tennis Department…

Hello all you Tennis Fans! Hope you all had an AMAZING holiday season and are ready to get back into the SWING of things at the Club! We have a SUPER EXCITING year of tennis events coming up, starting with a Jumping January! Please mark your calendars for the events below:
ADULT DROP IN CLINICS: Fridays from 9:00-10:00am, $10 for members. Offered on Jan 8, 15, 22, & 29.
MIXED DOUBLES POTLUCK: Saturday, January 16th from 1:30-3:00pm. We will be doing an exchange with the Tehachapi Tennis Club so come and meet some of our out of town tennis members and friends!
FREE CLINIC with KOREY: Sunday, January 24th from 10:00-11:00am. First 12 people to sign up get this INCREDIBLE CLINIC for FREE!!! Sign up in the Tower.
Some come on out and jump in to the January events, and let’s work off some of those pumpkin pies and other sorted delicacies that I HOPE you were all able to enjoy!!
Aquatics Department…

You can also start building your swimming muscles and endurance yourself as well. Here is a beginner workout to try. You can take it apart and build up to the whole workout over time. And if you want help refining your strokes or breathing, Masters is a great place to get that help from an instructor on deck. Our big pool is 25 yards long, one length.
Swim Workout for Beginners:
• Two sets 50 yards freestyle warm up
• Four sets of 25 yards freestyle, counting your strokes per length
• Four sets of 50 yards breast stroke, resting 30 seconds between each lap
• Four sets of 25 yards freestyle, counting your strokes per length
• Two sets of 50 yards breast stroke cool down
Notes from the Front Desk
Happy 2016!!Please remember to pick up your new guest passes at the front desk and that ALL GUESTS will need to complete the 2016 guest wavier which is located at the desk or online at avilabayclub.com! I have a feeling 2016 is going to be a great year and the customer service staff are very excited to start it off with the best members we could ask for! As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact Travis Hawley @ [email protected] or 805-595-7600 ext. 113
Special Events at the club

Third Friday Wine Down:

I can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store for us all and I’m extremely excited to be starting off the New Year by welcoming Silver Horse Winery as our first guest winery of the New Year! This month because of a busy schedule we will be meeting on January 22, from 6-7:30PM. Come join us as we welcome Steve Kroener, owner and winemaker for Silver Horse Winery as our guest representative. The costs are as normal $20 per person with RSVP and $25 at the door. We will be trying some fantastic wines paired with the delicious food prepared by our very own Oasis Grille. Child care is free with reservations and non-members are always welcome! RSVP across from the front desk or by email/phone call.

Questions? Reservations? Contact Special Event Director Travis Hawley at [email protected] or 805-595-7600 ext 113
Kids’ Club…
Welcome 2016!We had a great 2015 and are hoping for another one this year.
A few changes happening this month…
Please help us start the year by updating your registration paperwork in Kids’ Club. We will be handing out new forms for you to update and bring back filled out. It’s for the safety of your child so we appreciate your help with this matter.
We are going to change our hours just a teensy bit this month since there are many times that our staff is waiting for someone to play with. So the new hours are as follows:
Monday to Friday 8:30am-12pm and 3:30-6:30
Saturday 8am-12:30pm
Sunday 9am-12pm
Keep an eye out for the MANY activities that Avila Bay Club offers for kids other than just our amazing Kids’ Club. We have kid’s fitness classes, swim lessons, swim team, tennis for kids, Parents Night Out, etc.
Please feel free to contact Bre with any questions or concerns, or even just to say hello!
[email protected]. Thank you!
A brand new year is here! That means that this month’s Parent Night Out is going to be epic. We are going to continue celebrating 2016 for this fun event. Bring the kiddos to us and we will feed them dinner, do an art activity, play social games, tire them out, and send them home ready for bed!
Saturday, January 9th from 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Take some time to yourself. It’s the rare opportunity to leave the kids and not have to stay on site so take advantage. Don’t miss out and sign up in Kids’ Club, at the front desk, or email [email protected] today to reserve your spot!
Kid of the Month
Edie Caldwell

I would like to say a big congratulations to Edie Caldwell for being nominated and chosen as the newest Kid of the Month. Edie always comes to play with a smile and a snack! Her happiness shines when she is playing with stickers and crayons. We are so grateful that she comes to play with us every week!
Have FUN and get involved with the Community!

5K Fun Run
All ages come together to celebrate fitness, community and joy!
SLO Color Blast Fun Run
Saturday, January 23, 2016
SLO High School Stadium
Register, Sponsor or Volunteer