December Newsletter 2015
Upcoming Dates To Note:
Sunday, Dec 6 Club Closes early at 4 pmThurs, Dec 10 Member Holiday Social Potluck
Sat, Dec 12 Mixed Doubles Potluck
Sat, Dec 12 Parents’ Night Out
Fri, Dec 18 Wine Club
Sun, Dec 20 Free Tennis Clinic w/ Korey
Thurs, Dec 24 Club Closes early at 2 pm
Fri, Dec 25 Club Closed
Thurs, Dec 31 Club Closes early at 5 pm
Fri, Jan 1 Club Closed
Happy holidays to all of our members at Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa!

Member Potluck Holiday Social
Thursday, December 10
5-7 p.m.
Come enjoy time together and get to know fellow members.
Bring a food item to share, along with any old club photos or information you want to share about the club’s history.
The club will provide dessert and a drink ticket for each person.
-Live Music
-The Famous Chocolate Diva Fountain Station
-Complimentary Beverages with One Free Drink Ticket Per Person
See Amy in membership with any questions about the Holiday Social.
Member of the Month

Mike and Cay Ebersole retired in 2001 from the Los Angeles area. They knew they wanted to leave that crazy busy area, and then their son suggested they give Avila Beach a try. They rented a condo for a year before buying a home just to be on the safe side. Three weeks into it they knew they loved the area, so when their lease was up they bought a condo in the same complex. What’s not to love…the weather is great, minimal traffic, and friendly people! They joined ABAC almost immediately. That was before the main building was here and only one pool. They so enjoy the club! Mostly these days Cay swims, does an occasional yoga class, and enjoys the outdoors. Mike spends most of his time between the cardio and weight rooms and visiting friends. They have 6 children and 14 grandkids! They all love to visit the club when they are in town. Mike and Cay use to attend all the Happy Hours but seem to go down to the beach more lately on Fridays. They both feel the club is a great place to be: it’s spotless, friendly, and everyone is so helpful. Cay said “In all the years I’ve used the pool, I’ve never ever had a problem with the pool not being perfect, or someone not willing to share a lane.” We are happy to have you two as members, and hope to see you back at the happy hours this summer.
Employee of the Month

From the Fitness Department…
We can become overwhelmed with the amount of information that comes our way on a daily basis. I've attached a few good articles that I hope you find interesting. ABAC class suggestions are made under each article. Go ahead and make this your own personal experiment!Resistance Training may help not only our bones but our brains!
Read more:
What does ABAC have to offer?
A Dozen opportunities EVERY week: Cycle/Sculpt, Power, JB45Z, Sculpt, Barre Tone]
Recommended 2x per weekKEEP MOVING to stay ahead of Arthritis!
Read more: does ABAC have to offer?Swim classes, TAI CHI, Cycling classes, Yoga, Pilates Reformer, Trails to walk or ride.Research shows that the ideal form of exercise is short bursts of high intensity exercise aka HIIT.
Read more: 2-3x per week.What does ABAC have to offer?Every Tuesday (8:30am) and Saturday (8:15am) R.I.P.P.E.DEvery Wednesday Evening 5:45 Indoor Cardio Bootcamp
Personal Training is 10% off for packages of 3, 5 and 10 sessions through Dec 24th!! Please see the “Gift of Health” Christmas tree.
Pilates and Small Group Training Specials begin January 2! 10 – Punch cards will be available for $195.00 (Purchase up to 2 cards January 2016 ONLY).
From Tennis Department
The 2015 ABAC Tennis Club Championships took place over the November 7th & 8th weekend, we had a great turnout as Members battled their finesse and wits out on the sunlit courts. The weather was perfect for competition and camaraderie, both of which were evident throughout the tournament. The format included a lot of round robin matches to give members more match play and against a variety of opponents. We also had a Potluck which worked wonderfully throughout the day to give the players food to snack on between matches. Each participant was given an Avila Bay Athletic Club Championship glass goblet and winners not only received an Avila Bay logo hat, but also their names will be added to our plaques on the WALL OF FAME in the Tennis Tower!! They are now part of the Avila Bay Athletic Club history!! A huge thanks to all of the Members who came out to participate, and a big CONGRATS to all of the Champions of the Day! Below are the results of the tournament:
Men’s A Singles JJ Niven def Bill Wesnousky 6-3, 6-1
Men’s B Singles George Godde def John Niven Default
Women’s A Singles Josceline Ramirez def Shawn Shurick 6-2, 7-6 (7-5)
Men’s A Doubles Sig Haddad/Scott Jopes def Bruce Trubo/Gene Silveira 6-3, 4-6, 10-7
Men’s B Doubles John Niven/JJ Niven def Shane Rostermundt/Chip Stickerod 6-0, 6-0
Women’s A Doubles Connie Rutledge/Teri Sullivan def Helen Sipsas/Christina Rostermundt 8-2
Mixed A Doubles James Campbell/Jenny Phelps def Linda Goodell/Mark Scribner 8-7 (7-5)
Mixed B Doubles Shane Rostermundt/Lisa Denker def Leslie Light/Chip Stickerod 6-1, 6-2
Korey’s Free Monthly Clinic is Sunday, Dec 20 from 10 -11 am. Sign-up in the Tennis Tower
Check out the holiday Mixed Doubles on Saturday, Dec 12 from 1:30-3:30. This monthly potluck mixer has been a very fun event!
Greetings to all our members from the Aquatics Department.
Despite it being a busy time of year with family and friends, we love to see you at the pool. In fact, there a several advantages to your health to be actively swimming in the cooler temperatures. Although our lap pool is a pleasant 80 degrees, it can feel cold because of the outside temps. There are specific benefits though to swimming with a chill when you enter the water. Here are three:
1. Boosts your immune system
For your body, a sudden and drastic change in temperature constitutes an attack. And, whilst “attacking” your own body may not sound like a good thing, there is no harm in keeping it on its toes. In fact, quite the opposite. Scientists from the Czech Republic immersed witting subjects in cold water for one hour, three times a week and monitored their physiology. They found significant increases in white blood cell counts and several other factors relating to the immune system. This was attributed to the cold water being a mild stressor which activates the immune system and gives it some practice.
2. Gets your blood pumping
Being hot brings blood to surface. Being cold sends it to your organs. Both extremes work your heart like a pump. That’s why the whole sit in the sauna, roll in the snow, sit in the sauna thing makes people glow. But why is increased blood flow good for you?
Well, it helps flush your circulation for starters, pushing blood through all your capillaries, veins and arteries. It will exfoliate your skin and flush impurities from it, thus helping your complexion. Evidence also demonstrates that your body adapts to the cold with repeated exposure and this may improve your circulation, particularly to your extremities – no bad thing in the winter months.
You could get these benefits by switching between the hot and cold taps in your shower (or the sauna, snow, sauna thing) but that doesn’t sound nearly as fun as quick dip in your local pool followed by wrapping up warm afterwards.
3. Burns calories
We all know that swimming is great exercise but there are some extra benefits from doing it in cooler temperatures than warmer temperatures. Swimming in cold water will make your body work twice as hard to keep you warm and burn more calories in the process. For this sort of exercise, fat is your body’s primary source of energy and the increased work rate will increase your metabolism in the long run.
(Information attained from the online magazine Outdoor Swimming Society at 2015
From our Events Director…..
Special Events At the club
The Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa is the perfect venue for any special occasion!
Our mission at the Avila Bay Club & Spa is to ensure your happiness and satisfaction with the planning and implementation of your event. We tailor each and every event to result in a day (or evening) that is enjoyable, stress-free, and creates a beautiful lasting memory for yourself, your family, and your friends. You will find our staff to be personable and experienced. Attention to detail and superb service are our specialties. Our skilled and accomplished Oasis Grille team is always eager to please, offering the convenience of on-site catering and a wide variety of delicious menu/banquet choices. The Avila Bay Club & Spa is the ideal site for a memorable celebration! Questions?
Please contact:
Travis Hawley at 805-595-7600 ext 113 or [email protected]
Wine Club
I’m very excited to see everyone soon and look forward to making more great memories and tasting more great wines this upcoming Wine Club season.
We will meet the THIRD Friday, December 18 from 6:00-7:30. Wine tasting is $20 per person with rsvp, and $25 at the door. Each wine will be paired with delicious Hors de’ Oeuvres prepared by the wonderful Oasis Grille! Free child care by reservation. Non-members welcome! Sign-ups are located in the lobby, or email [email protected].
"The late Joseph Bianchi was an innovator and renaissance man who experimented with wine-in-a-can and wine coolers. Glenn Bianchi held strong to a vision of producing ultra-premium varietal wines that delivered finesse and complexity. State-of-the art winery, fireplace-equipped wine tasting room and the Kio-stocked Lake helped him complete the picture and translate his dream into your experience. Today it is considered one of the best Paso Robles wineries to visit. Beau Bianchi has fully embraced the passion, vision and commitment of his Grandfather and Father to make Bianchi Winery and Tasting Room the world-class wine destination it is today. We are excited to welcome Kelsey Schmidt from Bianchi whom will be educating us on the Ambiance of Wine and Coordination. She is passionate about helping us understand the legacy passed along for generations, and will be setting a tasting up to guild the story along.
Kid’s Club
Hello there! So we are wrapping up the year and there is a lot going on in Kids’ Club.
Please remember to put it in your planners that the Kids’ Club hours change a little bit
due to the holidays. The day before Christmas and New Years we will only be open in
the morning. We will be closed for Christmas and New Years Day. The day after
Christmas we will only be open in the morning and the day after New Years, it will be the usual schedule as we welcome the brand new year.
This is a busy time of year, but here at Kids’ Club, we are never too busy to appreciate
those kids that stand out while they are here playing with us. This month’s Kid of the
Month goes to Zoe Stackhouse. She comes in every week and plays with all of our
friends so well. She shares such great artwork and knowledge. We love seeing her walk
through the doors!
Kid of the Month
Congratulations Zoe!
Kids’ Club staff wants to wish each family a very Happy Holiday Season! If you ever
have any questions or concerns, contact Bre at [email protected].
It’s the last Parent’s Night Out of the 2015 year. Take advantage of the night to have
some time to yourselves or get some shopping done on Saturday, December 12th. This
event allows you to leave the premises for a couple hours and let us handle the kids.
We play games in different areas of the club, we usually have a dance party, serve
dinner, participate in a group craft, have a sweet treat to eat while settle down at the end of the night with a movie.
Drop off is at 5:30pm and you can pick up them up again at
8:30pm. Make sure you reserve your spot today! You can sign up in Kids’ Club, at the
front desk, or email [email protected].
Have FUN and get involved with the Community!
5K Fun Run
All ages come together to celebrate fitness, community and joy!
SLO Color Blast Fun Run
Saturday, January 23, 2016
SLO High School Stadium
Register, Sponsor or Volunteer
Here are some of our member and employee holiday traditions!
• Lucia - “Jokes, Beers, and Dancing!”
• Lisa Vaughn –Advent calendars and homemade cranberry sauce are a few things Lisa looks forward to for the holidays! “When I was younger I would open all the doors on the advent calendar, and eat the chocolate behind each door. Then close the doors thinking nobody would notice!”
• Michelle (Kreowski) – “Advent calendar that the elf on the shelf comes every night to bring cheer (gifts) and mischief! My kids, Ann and Jacob, love it!!! He has a girlfriend too!!!!”
• Seona Lampman-“Children always have to perform a “talent show” for the adults. This was to show off those music or dancing lessons that our parents bought for us! I did Irish dancing when I was younger. Now my nieces and nephews play their various musical instruments, from bagpipes to violin. Kids also decorate the place cards for the table.”
• MaryAine-“ For Christmas we always went to church and did not open gifts until after we had a big brunch at home. IT WAS TORTURE!”
• Maria-“ In Chile Christmas is during the summer so our family always had a big bbq and decorated a pine tree in our backyard.”
• Noreen Martin and Chris - “Our family tradition is to provide a special order organic turkey and two special dishes from our childhood. Chris, my husband, has a favorite chorizo based stuffing, and pecan pie. I have a favorite childhood recipe, garden beet salad. Our guests will choose and bring their childhood favorites. We usually have 20-30 people and the various childhood recipes make a very grateful group of people, and a yummy dinner!”
• Nancy Terrell – “We were always allowed to open one gift after church on Christmas Eve. This tradition has continued with our kids now too. And my grandpa had a Christmas Tree farm on his Tepusquet Canyon property. I still feel badly if I ever buy a tree that I did not cut down myself!”
A Few Club Reminders . . .
-Those with longer hair should tie it back or wear a swim cap while swimming.
-Please do not leave any belongings out in the locker rooms. Always lock up EVERYTHING even if you are just in the shower. This includes leaving belongings in the women’s changing rooms.
-It is requested that people not wear perfume or fragrances while using the club. We have a few folks with severe allergies and it definitely affects them.
-Please pick up after yourself when finished using a work out area.
-Remember to cover your mouth when sneezing, etc. Someone noticed this not happening and was concerned about the spread of germs.
-Please plan to be done using the club completely by closing time. This includes exiting the locker rooms. We close at 9 pm Mon-Thurs, and at 8 pm Fri – Sun.