March Newsletter 2016
Easter Hours 8:00am – 4:00pm

Avila Bay Athletic
Club & Spa
Sally and Chalmers HallMembers of the Month

Stop and talk to them about the Pecho Trail and they will tell you what Pecho means and all about the flora along the trail. We so enjoy their good energy at the club and look forward to seeing their smiling faces at the club for a long time.

Employee of the Month Congratulations to Lisa as our latest “Employee of the Month”. Lisa is our full time anchor position at the front desk. You can see her smiling face at 5:00am as she starts the day off getting everything ready for our members for the day ahead. She loves her job here at ABAC!!! Lisa was born in Washington but spent her formative years abroad in countries like Japan and Germany. Her dad was a Civil Engineer and she moved around a lot. Lisa ended up here on the Central Coast during her sophomore year. After attending high school and Cuesta College, Lisa decided to give the big city a whirl so she moved to San Francisco and worked as a barista. A year later she missed her fiancé and family (all her siblings live in the area which includes her three nieces whom she loves to death) so she moved back and is so glad she did. Lisa is engaged to Oliver and enjoys spending time with his seven year old son, also named Oliver. Their wedding is planned for April 30th right here at the club!Lisa loves horror movies, cooking, running, and reading. She’s run four half-marathons and is looking forward to running in the “Bay to Breakers” this year. Lisa loves taking yoga, mat Pilates classes, and especially enjoys Jan’s Boot Camp Class. One of the things she enjoys most about the club is that there is always something happening at ABAC to bring people together. When first hired she was so happy to be working at a gym where people would be more wellness conscience. What she found was this isn’t a gym, it’s an amazing club that is filled with wonderful people that aren’t only into wellness but love life itself. Lisa you are a special person and we feel very lucky to have you as part of our team!
Tennis Department

New session dates are out for the Beginning and Intermediate Clinics, come pick up your copy in the Tower or visit the club online at the tennis page! Get your kids involved in these fun and lifetime sport activities!
Beginning clinics (ages 6-12) run Tuesday/Thursday from 3:30-4:30.
Intermediate Clinics (Ages 8-16) run Tuesday/Thursday from 4:30-5:30.
Call the Tennis Tower for more information. 805-595-7600 ext. 106
The Excellence Clinics are back to later times to accommodate school times.
They will be from 4:00-5:30
Lifeguard Certification
Ages 15 to adult. (Must be 15 by first day of class
Certification: 2 yr ARC Lifeguarding and CA Title 22 First Aid
April 1,2,3, 9:00am to 5pm
May 13, 3:00pm to 8pm,14,15, 8:00 am to 5pm
$225 Members (or relatives) $245 non-members
Reservation Required and space is limited
Call Lydia Lawson 805-540-4505 or email [email protected]
Aquatics Department…
In preparation for this coming season of sun and fun, it would be helpful for all swimmers to re-familiarize themselves with the club's policies. They are posted at each pool site and are there for everyone's safety. We do offer swim lessons all year long and greatly appreciate the cooperation received during these lessons. Thank you for being an incredible part of our beautiful club and happy swimming.
Another Tragedy from Underwater Breath Holding
Over the holidays, a Dartmouth College swimmer had been trying to complete 100 yards underwater without breathing when he blacked out and drowned at a YMCA in Sarasota, FL. He was a fit, experienced college swimmer. These stories are too common and have happened close to home, even at UCSB. The dangers of breath-holding underwater are now well-known and unfortunately we hear about deaths related to “Shallow Water Blackout” are all too frequent.
Shallow water blackout is a big problem in swimming pools as well as for free divers in the ocean. Shallow water blackout is an underwater “faint” due to lack of oxygen to the brain brought on by holding your breath for long periods of time. Without an immediate rescue the swimmer quickly drowns. OVAC wants members and lifeguards to prioritize safe swimming, we want to emphasize that for safety reasons the following should not be performed in our swimming pools:
- Breath holding games, of any kind, including where young children take turns holding their breath in front of each other, often while standing up in the pool
- Any kind of contests or competitions to see who can swim the farthest underwater
- Individuals trying to see how far they can swim underwater or how long they can hold their breath
- Hyperventilation before going underwater
- “Dead Man’s Float”
Also, when a lifeguard sees someone lying on the bottom of the pool, even if they appear to be playing or relaxing, they must immediately activate the EAP(Emergency Action Plan), enter the pool and retrieve the person from underwater. Underwater breath holding causes unnecessary risk to all swimmers, experienced and novice. Please swim safely and don’t practice underwater breath holding.
Nutrition’s Best Kept Secret
By Connie Rutledge CNC
For many years now, nutritional science has been based on a generic, mass market approach to health and nutrition. Most of the world’s leading dietary experts have established single, one-size-fits-all diet solutions that have been applied to everyone. Standard nutritional approaches fail to recognize that for genetic reasons, we are all very different from one another on a metabolic or biochemical level. Our bodies process foods and nutrients in a highly individual way and we all have unique needs to ‘run our engines’ and require specific kinds of fuel in order to function efficiently.
One man’s food is another man’s poison. In his book, The Metabolic Typing Diet, William Wolcott, writes that our dietary needs are largely determined by our ancestral heritage. Your ancestors’ dietary needs were the result of their ability to adapt to their natural habitats and geographical location, climate and available food sources. For instance, an equatorial African would have eaten very differently than those in Nordic countries. It seems we may have been misled by the diet and nutrition industries as there is nothing intrinsically healthy or unhealthy about any given food. (And for the sake of argument let us qualify “food “as a natural unprocessed whole food!) All that matters is how well a particular food or dietary regimen fulfills your unique, genetic metabolic requirements.
Chronic illness and weight related issues are significantly on the rise despite our heroic efforts to improve our knowledge about eating right and achieving optimal health. Isn’t everyone you know eating more kale these days? Our state of declining health is a direct result of serious dietary imbalances. These problems persist simply because we have lacked the clinical technology to evaluate and correct nutritional problems on an individual basis. I see it constantly as a Nutritionist; many of us have been relying on tired conventional wisdom that touts eating a so called balanced diet will be the ticket to health…when in fact this is simply not working. There is no one size fits all diet.
I’m thrilled to be able to share with you nutrition’s best kept secret. A diet or nutrient that works well for you may have little or no effect on your friend and may make your next door neighbor worse. Any food or nutrient can have virtually opposite biochemical influences in different people. This is the concept of Metabolic Typing®. When you eat according to your own unique hereditary requirements, as opposed to following universal dos and don’ts, it’s entirely possible that you can prevent and reverse degenerative disease. You can strengthen your immune system and maintain ideal weight. Optimize your physical energy and maintain mental clarity.
As a Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor, I am able use this cutting edge technology to evaluate your individually unique nutritional requirements and recommend a specific food plan to enable you to function at peak efficiency. This dynamic process developed by William Wolcott has been around for over 30 years and will put an end to nagging blood sugar imbalances, food cravings, digestive problems, hunger, headaches, depression, irritability, weight gain and other debilitating problems. Using this accurate dietary discipline, you’ll enjoy plenty of physical and mental energy as you restore and balance as a result of eating to support your biochemical individuality. Metabolic Typing® is an unrivaled method for determining and developing custom dietary recommendations. I have found it to extremely successful in all manner of health related issues, mainly weight loss and eliminating unwanted symptoms.
St. Patrick’s Day at the club
Thursday, March 17th
Everyone wear green! The Oasis Grille will be making corned beef and cabbage for Dinners To-Go Night, and will have $2 Guinness Beers!! We will also be playing festive music in the lobby. Keep your eye out for the leprechaun’s “Pot o’ gold” hidden somewhere around the club, filled with a fun prize! The festivities will take place all day during club hours. Hope to see you in your green attire!
–Travis Hawley
Notes from the Front Desk
As the rainy season starts to pass, please remember to wear your shirts and shoes inside the main building at all times.
Also, please remember when bringing guests that you must be at the front desk when they arrive and that child guest under 18 must have a completed guest wavier from their parent.
We look forward to having another beautiful summer here at the club!
Membership Department
Encourage your friends to join the club in MARCH, and you will receive $100 on your account (or, $5 each month) AND, an HOUR MASSAGE gift certificate!
So, now you will have some extra spending money on your account AND, and a well deserved one hour massage after a hard – GREAT workout!
For more information or a free pass to extend to a friend, see membership, or call us: 805-595-7600 Ext: 105.
Kids’ Club
Hello Friends!
What a great month we had in February. This month we are having a few
more exciting events - a Story time Get Together and the Easter Egg Hunt!!!
Story time Get Together is a new program we want to start to get our Kids’ Club families
together again for a fun and educational activity. We will be reading a book and doing an activity that relates to the book. This is a free event we want to do the first Saturday of each month, starting on March 5 at 10am. Please mark your calendar because we would love to have all of you guys there.
Easter falls at the end of the month this year so mark your calendar for Saturday, March
26th. We will be having our annual Easter Egg Hunt in the morning and then closing
Easter Sunday. Keep an eye out for the more details as it gets closer. As always, please feel free to bring any questions or concerns to my attention. Email
me at [email protected]
Ella Oetman
Kid of the Month
We would love to congratulate Ella Oetman on her Kid of the Month achievement. Ella loves coming to play at Kids’ Club when she isn’t at school. She comes in eager to dive into the dolls and her imagination just explodes! She is such a caring young lady that involves everyone in Kids’ Club when she visits us. Tell her a big “great job!” next time you see her around the club.
Events Department…
Special Events at the Club
No better way than to start the year off than with a PARTY! The Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa is the perfect venue for any special occasion! Our mission at the Avila Bay Club & Spa is to ensure your happiness and satisfaction with the planning and implementation of your event. We tailor each and every event to result in a day (or evening) that is enjoyable and stress-free, and one that creates a beautiful lasting memory for yourself, your family, and your friends. You will find our staff to be personable and experienced. Attention to detail and superb service are our specialties. Our skilled and accomplished Oasis Grille team is always eager to please, offering the convenience of on-site catering and a wide variety of delicious menu/banquet choices. The Avila Bay Club & Spa is the ideal site for a memorable celebration! Questions? Please contact Travis Hawley at 805-595-7600 ext 113 or [email protected]
Wine Club
Join us for a wonderful evening tasting great wines and sharing good times! This month we are meeting on March 18th from 6-7:30 Wine tasting is $20 per person and each wine will be paired with delicious Hors de’ Oeuvres prepared by the wonderful Oasis Grille! Free child care by reservation. Non-members welcome! Sign-ups are located in the lobby. Questions or reservations?
Contact Travis Hawley at 805-595-7600 ext 113 or [email protected] winery TBA